"...Recognized by the New York Times for one of the best live shows of 2014, Wert exerts a passion for life that transfers to his often-intense concerts as well. But for the "Hurricane" video, he tones things down, finding a peaceful clearing in a forest and only breaking five or six of his fiddle's bow strings...." - (CMT Edge)
"Urban Roots with the Occasional Rural Punk...folk with a gut" - (RELIX Magazine)
"whether percussively stomping on an old wooden box, sawing a dusty fiddle, picking a banjo, or yelping a song as his head bobs and weaves from a seated position, fans are never under the impression they are seeing and hearing something of this earthly realm. The mix of roots and emotional electricity at a Possessed by Paul James show is akin to a live electric socket missing its cover as stripped wires spark with flickers of enthralling danger..." - (PASTE Magazine)
Punk Rock Players That Are Reshaping Roots Music
"There's nothing more DIY than a one-man-band, and there is no better one-man-band playing today than Austin, TX's Possessed by Paul James. Also known as Konrad Wert, James captivates audiences with his own blend of blues, acoustic and punk music, a unique sound that has earned him fans in the roots and hardcore communities alike." - (The Bluegrass Situation)
"His homespun songs cover a wide range of American roots music and generally propel him into a trance-like state. Sometimes the music pours out of him in a delicate vocal warble. Other times he saws at his fiddle and snarls like a pit bull." - (CMT - The Edge)
"If I were to make a list of the twenty most important singer/songwriters of our time, JKWt, better known under the moniker Possessed by Paul James, would undoubtedly be among those at the very top, if not the topmost artist." - (No Depression)
WEBSITE: www.ppjrecords.com


While No One Was Looking

Sweet But Bitter Life

There Will Be Nights When I'm Lonely

Cold & Blind (Reissue)

Feed The Family

Cold & Blind

Live At Antones

Sad But True The Secret History of Country Musi Vol 1

Voodoo Rhythm Vol 3